Band info
Band: Dicephal Mortus
Album: ‘IICM‘
Released: December 13th, 2024
Genre: industrial black metal
Location: Germany
It’s no accident black metal and industrial music met early in the genre’s evolution, you could say it was fated as early black metal musicians were clearly influenced both musically and aesthetically by the early rivet squad. Sadly, they also share several scene pathologies, we all know which, the difference being that in the case of industrial, it was mostly a case of reductio ad absurdum critique on authoritarianism and capitalism that gained a life of its own and went wrong when people kept missing the point, while in the case of black metal people actually went towards the wrong point on purpose because apparently style trumps substance, as much as the mainstream black metal scene pretends otherwise. But this is a (much-needed) talk for another time, for now, let’s focus on Dicephal Mortus, an industrial black metal band that thankfully beat the stereotype and landed on the left side of the tracks.
For starters, don’t expect furious beats and endless samples, this is not the wall of distortion people expect when industrial is mentioned, this is older and colder, harkening back to the early days of industrial and the monotonous beats of SPK and Test Dept, except garnished with some nordic style tremolo riffing and snarls. It’s retro, but not in a way we often see, and replaces flash for a more subdued approach. Well, it works.
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