Band info
Band: Touching Grass
Released: 21st of January, 2025
Genre: noise
Location: US
Today we couldn’t be ending this fuck-ass week more aptly than with today’s feature, Touching Grass, and their new album, ‘NIXONOISE‘.
What makes this apt timing is that Touching Grass utilizes field recordings and distorts them while taking various Nixon interviews and speeches and blending them into the distorted field recordings, making a strange mash-up that almost transports you to a post-apocalyptic place.
According to Touching Grass’ Ampwall, the idea behind this is to bring about parallels between Nixon and Trump. As history would have it, none of us look back on the time of Nixon as a great time but rather that he was a terrible and bad president. Even as fate, or maybe just history repeating itself, would have it the incoming of Nixon was just as preventable as the Trump presidency. It was almost a decade of failed liberal policies and them sucking up to the elite and trying to appease Republicans and a failing war in Vietnam that gave us the Nixon years. Yes, we ended up with Civil Rights during that time period but it was merely to pacify and prevent even further unrest. The same old liberal tactics that have been used time and time again that will always lead down this road to fascism. Holding up a mirror we can see that 8 years of liberal policies and nothing but unfulfilled promises to have healthcare, abortion rights, etc led us to Trump. Plus another 4 of absolutely nothing going on. With all this in mind, Touching Grass’ Nixonoise hits differently and feels like a hard reminder that we keep literally moving in a virtual circle and unless we, as the working class, unite and tear the rich and powerful from their homes and stop playing their game. No parasán!
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