Review: Greet – Harmonium I (Full EP) | Dark folk

Well, we have finally done it, we here at ABMN have gone off the deep end in bringing you “extreme” or really are stretching the meaning of extreme. We have Leed’s Greet and their first album Harmonium I.
This is a dark folk project not too dissimilar to that of one of Chelsea Wolfe’s older efforts but the interesting part? The mastermind behind Greet is none other than Matthew Broadley formerly of Dawn Ray’d. So, does it come as a surprise a former member of DR turns to dark folk? Absolutely not.
Described as harmonium-driven drones and textures combined with wonky melodies, Harmonium 1 doesn’t disappoint. Once you hit play you’re immediately transported through the music of taverns and pubs of working-class people sharing pints of beer with the talk of work and beer happening all around. You even have a hint of taste for songs being about winter and nature. Things are not that too far off from that of a lot of our own beloved atmospheric black metal.
Harmonium 1 is a perfect album to end the week to and really bask in the things that have happened and the things that will come. Greet perfectly captures the working class spirit and celebrates nature at the same time like a perfect combination of Chumbawamba and Panopticon. But to leave this off in the artist’s own words; “if you imagine Neil Young crossed with the Wicker Man then you’ll be some of the way there”.