Band info
Band: Anomander
Album: ‘Cracks in Arcadia‘
Released: February 20th, 2025
Genre: post-metal
Location: Malaysia
Ok, let’s get this out of the way first. We are biased. Of course, pure objectivity is largely a myth anyway, but we may be a bit more excited than usual as Anomander consists of some of our favourite musicians in antifascist metal, both in musical quality and political commitment, namely members of Iravu, Runtuh and Mumuksu. But that is not all, they also choose to take the name of an iconic character from the Malazan Book of the Fallen series, Anomander Rake, a book series and character both of whom are loved deeply by several members and friends of the Network. And as if that wasn’t enough emotional blackmail, they also choose to play sludgy post-metal in the vein of Isis, Cult of Luna, Sumac and Neurosis? Argh, you are striking below the belt here my Malaysian friends, It’s not fair, how can we say a single bad word for this.
Thankfully, there is zero reason to do so, so our integrity remains intact (what amount we have anyway), this is an amazing EP to kickstart this project, and anyone who knows of the members of other bands obviously has zero doubts about it, as the trio has yet to release anything mediocre. This is the good shit, post-metal done the raw, early way, with emphasis on the sludge and metal parts but with every prog part on point, ‘Cracks in Arcadia‘ is a return to the genre’s glory days done with passion. Much like their literary namesake, Anomander does not fuck around. But you really should fuck around, cause this is a case where you absolutely will have zero regrets about finding out. Also, feel free to bully them for more material soon, cause we want more of this!
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