Review: DŹONSLOVS – Asgrauw (Demo, 2025) | Atmospheric black metal

Band info


Album: Asgrauw 

Released: January 5th, 2025

Genre: atmospheric black metal, DSBM

Location:  UK


DŹONSLOVS is an antifascist black metal band from London that produces atmospheric, minimalistic, and depressive post-black metal. In January 2025, they released their second album, Asgrauw, which features five tracks in German, dealing with themes of resistance, loss, and solidarity.

After an extremely black-metal introduction featuring tremolo picking and blast beats, the album opens to growls and shrieks, drawing near to a DSBM style but always keeping this post-black metal tone that we look for in the post-black. There is something mesmerizing in this music, which really binds the DSBM side and the post-metal side of this album, which I really enjoy.

I encourage all of you to give a try to this album with this brutalist cover art and music that encompasses exactly the feeling you get from these fog-covered buildings.

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