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Band info
Band: CtrlAltSuppr
Album: ‘Ctrl Alt Suppr‘
Released: November, 24th, 2024
Genre: black metal
Location: France
Spoilers suck, right? The experience of being surprised at first context with a piece of art you didn’t know is so important, that at times it really does take away the entire fun of the work when you know what happens in advance (Dumbledore dies btw, fuck TERFs) – and, knowing that, it is sometimes hard for us to write here because even a short review like we do at ABMN will kinda explain the music in advance.
That’s not necessarily a problem when the music is not surprising (and art can be wonderful even when it’s not surprising at all), but when we have stuff like the self-titled EP by Parisian band CtrlAltSuppr, we do tip-toe on our keyboards. “Avant-garde“? Of course. “Black/Death/Prog Metal inspired by Romantic Music and Swing Jazz“, as the band states on their IG? Definitely. But it’s so much MORE!
It goes from gnarly, twisty disso-death a la Imperial Triumphant to calm, loungy stuff with French spoken word! Haunting choirs that sound like they’ve been lifted from a Batushka album alternate with cackling harshes, plus what sounds like a meowing cat in the first track, “III – A.D.I.D.A.S (All Day I Dream About Su!c!de)“! Violins come out of nowhere with Hammonds and a piano, slowly growing into a long, My Dying Bride-esque funeral doom break – and then crashing like a wave into a cover of Radiohead’s “Weird Fishes” (btw, free Palestine, fuck zionists)! Actually, scratch that, never mind the spoilers – nobody can really put into words what this thing sounds like, except for one word: AWESOME!
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