Review: Cipo Fogo – “Distopia” (single, 2024) | Crossover

Peeking at what is just a small bite to taste their late and sixth full work, we are happy at the Network to share CIPÓ FOGO‘s “Dystopia” single from Born Enslaved, one of a kind breed of heavy riffs within a thrashcore/crossover frame (mainly, but certainly not only). Coming from Brazil and Uruguay, Marcelo Cabral, André Corradi and company present us with a hymn to shock the conscience.

While the whole album speaks of the current state of the world and the politics we are all under, “Dystopia” is dedicated to the Palestinian struggle in particular, heavily inspired by the words of the poet Marwan Makhoul longing for the songs of the birds in the place of falling bombs, as he remarks how the urgency of speaking up and to rise against political consequences is simply inevitable and the only way to start fighting out, more from or within a medium like art and expression like his, or like any artist, responsible of their words and messages, meanings and impressions left in watchers, listeners and any hearts paying attention and dedicating their time to the worlds that are open this way.

“Também quero ouvir o canto dos pássaros / também quero ouvir o som do mar /
Mas o grito das crianças / longe, muito longe
Mas o grito das crianças longe / muito longe daqui

É mais alto e mais aflito

Normalizamos o horror

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