Review: Ragum – ‘Beyouv’ (Full album, 2024) | Grindcore

Ah, grindcore! It’s always refreshing to have a barrage of short songs and barked vocals after some of our more usual long-form black metal menus.

Today’s piece, however, is even more welcome than usual, for Ragum, our guests for this “beautiful” Monday, are a band from the city of Haifa in occupied Palestine/”Israel”, and outright state in their press release that these are songs “about military occupation, state-sponsored racism, and the erasure of Arab-Jewish identity“.

Our stance as a Network is already quite explicit for all to see (but just in case: free Palestine from the river to the sea, end the genocide, fuck Zionism and antideutsche and Genocide Joe and their other allies, down with antisemitism), but we’re particularly proud to be able to bring bands local to one of the most important struggles in the history of the oppressed and exploited like we did with Zalaam a few years ago (check them if you haven’t!). Beyouv, Ragum‘s first album, is grindcore plus death metal plus some surprisingly thrashy riffs and is as simple and straightforward and energetic and mosh-inducing as you probably expect.

Crank the volume up, open some space, wear a keffiyeh, and get ready to fight to tear down the modern apartheid!

⚔️ RAGUM ⚔️