Review: Purgatorial – “Doomed To Repeat” (Single PREMIERE, 2024) | Blackened death metal

Again we are premiering a new song by Purgatorial, just what the doctor ordered to keep us on the hook until we wait for an album to come, you fucking tease!

We jest, of course, take your time, as long as the album keeps the quality of this song you’ll have no complaints from us, as this is excellent. Doomy, crawy when needed but also blasty the next moment death/black metal to have any fans of Tchornobog and Sulphur Aeon (but with Purgatorial singing about the very real, albeit metaphorical tentacles choking our future instead of literal ones) hungry for more. This one’s called “Doomed to Repeat” and it kinda seems like the theme for our whole news cycle nowadays. Enjoy.


“The world lives in danger. An inconsistence.
Lessons ignored. Teachings wasted.
Pointless massacres. Rights being taken.
Our memories faded. Doomed to repeat.
War crimes buried in the deepest sands .
Atrocities wiped from everybody’s minds.
Why do we avert our eyes?
A fucking disgrace to all mankind.
Genocide. The whole world is watching.
Echoes of the past return to the light.
Everybody gazing but never sees action.
Evil availing and ignorance to blame.
Helpless innocents are slain.
Fascist dictatorships in vein.
Why do we ignore our kind?
A fucking shame we should all remind.
Objection arising, never to back down.
So-called leaders run us to the ground.
To sit by idle while the wolves control.
No longer sit with guilt, break through the cycle.
Fight back the tyrants for future lineage.
Or cower and lie low, doomed to repeat.”

