Review: ‘Stigmergy’ by There Is No Light Here & Tachanka (Full split, 2024) | Raw black metal

With a hammering tone of angst and wrath in a 4-track split, two of the most promising emerging projects in the antifascist scenes around the world join forces in a conceptual work bringing us Stigmergy, a blend of styles and topics from the two sides involved highlighting a convergence into a socio-political dive to a classless, free society of coordination, mutual aid and ultimately anarchy.

There Is No Light Here starts the split mini-album with “It’s Too Loud in Heaven” followed by “Shattered Glass Memories” encompassing around 10 minutes of the whole play, opening the listen with the project’s raw and crisp depressive black metal garnished by fitting melancholic keyboard bits, following the steps in production, instrumentation, chaotic riffing and vocal work from previous releases that’s so far a landmark in the project, cue for the despair, pain, hopelessness and more within the myriad of emotions explored by this magnificent band, self-defined as anti-suicide by the sole purpose of spreading awareness and sensitivity for the topics written about.

Personal note: focusing on this concept behind TINLH as a DSBM fan, was already a project growing on me that I cannot recommend enough, and I am really glad to see it active and also involved in other solidary fundraisers and compilations with more wonderful artists around that are worth checking out too! 

We jump to TACHANKA immediately after “Shattered Glass Memories” ends with “Rosebud“. We had featured her before in the Network, and I am quite glad to see her progressing, quite literally, in her side of this split, showing a solid development from her previous EP (Desert Weapons), making a more black metal sound than before with a much more clear structure. Starting with a slow string section, it is followed by an overall heavy and paced tone that connects perfectly with the trail left by TINLH creating a palpable ambience of anguish to burst into clean vocals once the last song breaks in, “Angelic Insurrection“, greatly mixed with shrieking, closing the split mini-album as looking up to the sky knowing something better awaits.

Stigmergy” brings up together perfectly what both artists are building, a must-listen to witness how these two promising projects evolve how the message gives shape to the final form and why it does matter.