Living in 2024 we seem to be blurring rigid lines between various sub-genres of metal. Sure one could argue that it’s always been there and an ever-ongoing thing but people in the past have been careful in how they blur the lines and in today’s atmosphere it’s easier for a smaller band/ artist to gain some sort of recognition for pushing what is considered acceptable.
We need no further looking than today’s upload, Finland’s own Veriarmo and their album Kuiske. It’s a strange and wonderful mixture of symphonic metal with black and death metal thrown in there and even some thrash to bring out some taste. While perhaps some of these wouldn’t work in other ways, Veriarmo has painstakingly found a way. Opening with an epic symphonic beginner song in Kiusaaja Erämaassa we roll into some sweet and savoury mid-tempo blackened death metal with those symphonic and thrash elements for the rest of the album. We say sweet and savoury but it feels like it’s molasses for your ear holes and it just keeps you wanting more and more. Kuiske may take its time but that’s perfectly alright. It needs time to breathe and for us, the listeners to take it all in considering there is much going on. It’s a listen you won’t regret because we certainly don’t.