Review: VENUS-426 – Destruction is Your Religion (EP, 2024) | Noise

Whew, that was fast. And Loud. Our frequent guest Venus 426 decided to kick things up a notch for this release, or maybe sideways, by putting her usual atmospheric soundtrack-y noise on hold in favour of some furious grind noise.

There is no better feeling for us here in the ABMN secret volcano base than seeing bands we work with that took their first steps alongside us evolve into their own type of kaiju, and damn, Venus 426 seems to grow with Shin Gojira speed and in similar scale. Ok, we lied, the feeling of seeing fascists kneecap is first, but this is a close second. Anyway, this blasts, and it also shrieks and blazes, and Jesus weeps, and if you think it is too short, so do we, but hold on to your speakers cause a certain astronaut feline tells us more is coming, vewwwy vewwy soon.

⚔️ VENUS-426 ⚔️