Jute Gyte – Krun Macula’ (Full album, 2023) | Ambient

So, when you have a band known for their unique take on black metal like Jute Gyte, with their legendary microtonal progressive output, why would you choose their rare ambient release to feature? Well, why not, after all their black metal releases are already acknowledged as genre classics, plus, it’s named after an equatorial dark spot on Pluto who in turn is named after a Mandaean lord of the underworld and, well, we are huge nerds.

So, Krun Macula is eerie. It could be said to be somewhat calming, but the undercurrent is there. It’s minimal, but somehow tunes on the uncanny valley, but on a grand, impersonal scale. Like watching an endless march of people through a post-apocalyptic wasteland while angels supervise them smiling, but the people can tell the smiles are fake, creepy, Stepford-like rictuses intended to calm them but that the angels are really alien and unfeeling, while the silence is not silence but to quote Harlan Ellison, the sound of one hand clapping.

Sorry, is this getting too weird? Yeah well, this is Jute Gyte, if anyone can create a liminal zone with the bare minimum of sound, it’s them.


BC: https://jutegyte.bandcamp.com/album/unus-mundus-patet