Review: Imagine A Boot – Imagine A Boot (EP, 2024) | Raw black metal

Imagine A Boot“? Well… let us picture it then. Leather, or some other heavy material, in the format of a foot, with a foot inside. A boot, right? Seems simple enough. But let us go the extra mile and finish the quote from which today’s featured artist, a lone anonymous Dutch partisan, clearly took this project’s name: “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever.”

This was written by socialist author George Orwell in his 1984, a very clear statement against dictatorships and authoritarian regimes in general, focused specifically on the brutal Stalinist regime that had murdered its own party to take control of the Soviet Union at the time, but which Orwell himself pointed out could be a metaphor for other governments of the type. And it is a metaphor which is still rather appropriate and important, is it not? Shall we mention the amount of brutal regimes which stand to this day or the new ones that have arisen? Shall we mention that fascist parties have again started to grow in number around the world, or that phyllo-fascist figures such as Bolsonaro, Trump, Putin, Milei or Erdogan wield enormous power? That the far-right that mirrors itself on these very regimes has risen in votes to a terrifying point in France, Germany, the Netherlands themselves, South Korea, and Chile? That an apartheid state has been constantly bombing the Palestinian people for more than 75 years now, and in a much more intense way for almost a year now?

The boot is HERE, worn by many different figures. It has been for a very long time, really. But it has also always faced resistance, as it faces now, and Imagine A Boot joins that resistance with their straightforward, raw black metal. Their lyrics make absolutely no secret of their standing: from scathing attacks on known fascists in black metal to the call to action of “Make black metal dangerous for once/Make black metal dangerous for fascists“, they are a more than worthy addition to our channel!