Review: Gun Girl – Vengeant Siege of Unholy Divinity (Full album, 2024) | Bestial black metal

Y’all we are struggling on how to open this up. Why are we stating that? Well mostly because musical genius, Eleanor Harper, has created something so raw, so bombastic, so fucking pissed the fuck off, that it’s rather hard to figure out how to open up about her latest project, Gun Girl.

How does one describe Gun Girl’s Vengeance of Unholy Divinity? Truthfully, on first listen, it’s pissed-off war metal that won’t leave you alive. And why should she? Lust Hag has left us seduced but for who? Well, clearly for Gun Girl to come in and rip us to shreds.

From the very first note of “Detained and Mutilated” to the ending of “Sisterhood”, we are caught up in this unrelenting chokehold. Looking through the lyrics, one can very well surmise that Gun Girl is on a righteous rage of killing and slaughtering the cis/heteropatriarchal world we all live in and are under the thumb of.

Where most war/bestial black metal bands are just wanting to sing about war and the destruction of humanity, in a weird sort of fucked up way that it borders being a fetish practically. Gun Girl comes in and uses the classic themes but directs it at the ruling class, the oppressors. After all, no war but class war, right? Those are the people that Gun Girl wants to have laid in the streets and ripped from their homes. Indirectly, this is as Lucy Parsons said, “Let every dirty, lousy tramp arm himself with a revolver or a knife, and lay in wait on the steps of the palaces of the rich and stab or shoot the owners as they come out. Let us kill them without mercy, and let it be a war of extermination.”

⚔️ GUN GIRL ⚔️