Review: Atlantic – Black Sands (Full album, 2024) | Atmospheric/post-black metal

As the waves that cyclically recede into the sea and come crashing unto the shore, Atlantic has returned to our channel almost two years since its first outing, bringing in more amazing musicianship, more torrential blast beats, more riffing crescendos growing evermore towards the horizon, and an even wider soundscape than before!

Black Sands, their new EP, flows in the same atmospheric, post-black course as Torrents, but with a significant amount of blackgaze elements; there are litres of clean vocals dripping from the songs themselves, and the improved production, with more space between the instruments, makes the music more sorrowful very often. Yet there is also a soothing quality that could be felt in the deep previously and now has risen to its full glory on the surface, like the cold, healing waters of the very ocean the name takes its name from. And just as the Torrents brought to mind the struggles that were occuring at the time, in Black Sands there is a sense of overcoming, and indeed of renewal, that hearkens not only to struggle of the Palestinians against Israel and its allies for their very existence, but also to the marches, encampments and demonstrations around their world in solidarity with Gaza; not only of the plight of Southern Brazilians devastated by the terrible climate catastrophe of that floods that destroyed a large part of the Rio Grande do Sul and have left more than a million people homeless, but also of the tens of thousands of volunteers that came to help organize the shelters, and who now are on the streets against a reconstruction only for agribusiness and the billionaires; not only to the fight of refugees in Ireland to abolish the dehumanizing system of “Direct Provision” that isolates them from the very society into which they are trying to enter, but also the support they receive from activists such as this very band.

Atlantic’s music does not TALK about politics directly, at least as far as we know (again, we don’t have the lyrics), but they are doubtlessly a perfect soundtrack to our brand of politics, and we’re happy to have more of their beautiful music on hand to help heal the wounded souls of activists who really need to feel like they’re being seen. We see Atlantic, and we see you. Let us carry on!