Band info 
Band: Auriferous Flame
Album: The Insurrectionists And The Caretakers
Released: November 8th, 2024
Genre: Atmospheric black/thrash metal
Location: Greece
Barely a year after releasing the sophomore album, ‘Ardor For Black Mastery’, Ayloss is back with a new Auriferous Flame album, ‘The Insurrectionists and the Caretakers’.
‘The Insurrectionists’ carry over, sound and visual wise, what Ardor brought to the table. Very aggressive, very fast but also super fucking pissed the fuck off black metal. However, the starkest difference between both albums is that AFBM was rooted in symbolism and such whereas TIATC is far more direct, especially politically.
Reading the lyrics, you see that Ayloss took a lot of inspiration from current events over the last couple of years but rolled them in together with that feeling of epic battles and fantasy that ‘Ardor‘ had. However, instead of longing for epic battles, Ayloss sees that no kings are here to save or protect us. Instead, our battles are fought much more differently.
One can only imagine what various fights and scuffles have happened and will happen that have inspired such lyrics. Whether it would be pushing back the Golden Dawn on the streets of Greece or the new rise of the far right in the United States. All this makes The Insurrectionists and the Caretakers an incredibly timely album even if that wasn’t Ayloss’ intentions.
Overall TIATC is not only a call to arms but more importantly a call to standing your ground, for your morals and for what’s right, especially in turbulent times. Things might seem really bleak right now but we have to remember, that we have to build community, we have to help each other and we must never give up or in.
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