Band info
Band: Bibex Necrobex
Album: Quantum Echoes
Released: October 9, 2024
Genre: black metal
Location: Canada
We don’t know about you, but whenever we at ABMN see or hear the words “eat the rich”, we get a big smile on our faces and a whole lot of curiosity about those behind them. And in the case of today’s upload, Bibex Necrobex ‘s ‘Quantum Echoes‘, this is FAR from the only interesting thing around!
The solo project of Mylène Lelièvre-Turcotte, a native woman from Canada, Bibex Necrobex, self-describes its music as post-black metal, which is… funnily, not our first choice for how we’d describe what we have on this EP? Not that it’s exactly WRONG, but what we hear here is a lot of doom and even grunge vibes, not only on the clean vocals that come up frequently but also in many riffs; every now and then it’s so dirty (in a good way) that it sounds almost sludgy, and there’s a rhythmic variance that keeps throwing the ball at you so you never really know what to expect and when a blast-beat will come at you like a tsunami or when things will go into a slower, darker, almost DSBM break.
The songs are about society’s fuckery, inequality and feminism, reflecting the artist’s personal journey in the very conservative place she’s living in; we don’t have the actual lyrics on hand, but titles such as “Blacklisted” and the aforementioned “Eat the Rich” do give an idea of what we’re dealing with. All in all, quite a treat for those wanting something less traditional but still recognizably black metal for the day!
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