Prescription McGovernment’s Apsûrd (Absu)

By now, almost all of us have heard of the most famous example of a transphobic/transmisogynistic incident in the metal scene, when Russ… sorry, “Proscriptor McGovern” (insert spooky sound here), the leader of Absu, fired from the band Melissa Moore (now of Sonja) as soon as she came out to him as a trans woman, […]

A word from an anti-zionist Israeli

We at ABMN have opinions on the Palestinian issue and the ongoing struggle. Seems like everybody has opinions, both educated and stupid, racist and intersectional, all kinds. What is lacking is not opinions, is listening to our comrades directly affected, the people on the ground, who seem to be constantly in a state of being […]

Embraer metalworkers in São José dos Campos, Brazil.

This Tuesday, October 3rd, Embraer metalworkers in São José dos Campos, Brazil, suffered repression from the Military Police during a legitimate strike for wage demands. The police deployed ten vehicles to the Embraer plant’s gate and, while the assembled workers voted for a strike to demand a real pay rise and the maintenance of their […]

On the Iranian insurrections

For 43 years Iran has been a place where women have been harassed, assaulted and murdered for not conforming to the dogmatic beliefs of a theocratic government and its authoritative bodies. This year, the Iranian Guidance Patrol, a self-styled “morality police” took the life of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who passed away on 16/09/22 following a […]

On the war in Ukraine

This morning most of us woke up to the news that the war we had been waiting for had started, or more properly escalated since this war has been going on since 2014 and already claims many thousands of casualties. As a network, we feel the need to make our stance clear in this for […]