Her Eyes Haunt Me – “As your eyes close over” (Single, 2024) | Blackgaze

Today, we present to you a fantastic new single debut from Australia. A one-person project, Her Eyes Haunt Me, that plays post-black metal with a very. however. blackgaze flavour, and brings the song As Your Eyes Close Over. The track is not particularly long, but it really provides a lot of thrills. It’s very atmospheric, […]

Review: Cipo Fogo – “Distopia” (single, 2024) | Crossover

Peeking at what is just a small bite to taste their late and sixth full work, we are happy at the Network to share CIPÓ FOGO‘s “Dystopia” single from Born Enslaved, one of a kind breed of heavy riffs within a thrashcore/crossover frame (mainly, but certainly not only). Coming from Brazil and Uruguay, Marcelo Cabral, […]

Review: Purgatorial – “Doomed To Repeat” (Single PREMIERE, 2024) | Blackened death metal

Again we are premiering a new song by Purgatorial, just what the doctor ordered to keep us on the hook until we wait for an album to come, you fucking tease! We jest, of course, take your time, as long as the album keeps the quality of this song you’ll have no complaints from us, […]

Review: Code Red – “Death March” (Single, 2024) | Thrash metal

Code Red is a project of a young artist playing thrash/blackened thrash. You can definitely feel the grave of the 1980s here when it comes to either thrash or black metal elements. The band can be classified as politically engaged, the artist has anti-imperialist, anti-authoritarian and anti-fascist views, which are reflected in the lyrics. And […]

Review: Malevich – “Inalienable” (Track, 2024) | Blackened grind

In the turn to spring for the northern hemisphere, some parts of the world are bracing for oppressively thick humidity that makes the air all heavy and us sluggish. To bring this sort of greeting to us we have a new pounding, riffing, thick atmosphere single called Inalienable by the Atlanta, Georgia band, Malevich. You’re […]

Paranormal Arson – “Hook, line, sinker” (Single, 2024) | Death metal

Paranormal Arson is probably not what people expect when they see their latest single’s cover, but the fact they catch you unawares when their brutal punky death metal kicks in is part of the fun. Just one track sadly, but it’s a brutal one, definitely something to get the blood running, metaphorically AND literally. So, […]

Purgatorial – Harvesting Nightmares (Single, 2023) | Blackened death metal

Today, Purgatorial presented their song “Harvesting Nightmares“. Described by the band as “an unsettling track about not knowing when your time to pass will come“, the song keeps a crushing atmosphere throughout that lives up to its title. The wonderfully existential lyrics add to the piece as we are reminded of our mortality, and the […]