Review: Cipó Fogo – ‘Born Enslaved’ (Full album, 2024) | Crossover

After having an exciting peak at their latest work (although it was already uploaded by the band at that moment in full to listen) with the Distopia single featured at ABMN early this month, today we are happy to also present the rest of this mini album comprised of 5 songs by the crossover thrash ensemble CIPÓ FOGO (Fire Vine).

With a swooping strength and a clear array of influences put to work into their unique blend of metallic hardcore, the Brazillian / Uruguayan band drops their bomb in the shape of a sometimes groovier, sometimes faster sound (or directly as the exposed beating heart of hardcore punk, like in “Fail” to close the EP), staying mostly within the crossover thrash frame but kicking outside occasionally with five anthems against the modern-day oppressions, in both Portuguese and Spanish, as well as English. Distopia landed a sharp and emotional view on catastrophes like the current ethnic cleansing happening in Gaza at the hands of Israel and the current settler colonialism they practice since the seed of Zionism was planted in Palestine.

All and all, Born Enslaved will visit a wide angle of topics, more personal and close to the artists and their background too there in Brazil, citing them and the many reasons that drew them together to write what they label “Música indignada” (outraged music), as a channelling way in response to rising homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexist violence and most essentialist bigoted discrimination still deeply rooted in their land as anywhere.

This burst of raw nonconformity naturally made for the proper probe to add all musical ingredients, ready to ignite with a spark in every listener! A short blast that will knock out your day 🔥

Apple Music: / born-enslaved-ep