Review: Dawn Brought Saviour – Wavering (Full album, 2024) | Drone

A year after their debut EP, Dawn Brought Savior presents us with their debut album, like clockwork. And Wavering is not just an album, it’s a journey, in the band’s own words one through longing, empowerment and overcoming trauma. Something to casually listen to for a few minutes this is not, neither is it car music, not if you actually want to arrive at your destination on time instead of driving around in a trance.

In 50 minutes Dawn Brought Savior mixes drone, doom, ambient and black metal atmospheres and you might even catch hints of a post-rock mentality in the atmosphere. If you find yourself loving the soundscapes of Earth, Wrekmeister Harmonies, Menace Ruine or the weirder parts of Chelsea Wolfe, then this is your new crush.

Resign yourselves to the drone and embrace it.