Review: Fatal Torture – Savage Depths of Hell (Full album, 2023) | Thrash metal, death metal

Pssst over here, do you guys wanna buy some speed cos today we got just enough to keep you wanting more! Coming in from Ireland we have Fatal Torture and their EP, Savage Depths of Hell.

This is some blistering speeding death metal fiery fury that it’s over just as soon as it begins. To be entirely honest, Fatal Torture really blurs the lines between death thrash and deathgrind. It’s a wonderful and strange place to be but it’s perfect. You find yourself trying to decipher the genre influences but you’re better off finding a needle in a haystack. So with that being said, light a joint, open a beer, get your denim vest on and start a one-person mosh pit cos by the end of this you’ll be wishing you did.