Review: Galibot – Euch’Mau Noir (Full album, 2024) | Black metal

Band info

Band: Galibot

Album: ‘Euch’Mau Noir

Released: December 4th, 2024

Genre: black metal

Location: France


Many of us who like metal are urban workers in the service sectors – lawyers, clerks, health workers, drivers, teachers, and IT – but there are also many industrial workers among the fans and musicians. And among the industrial sectors, probably none are more feared than the mining business, and rightly so – after all, going hundreds of meters below ground to break rock in search of useful and/or precious substances, dealing with gases, explosives, dangerous and heavy equipment, little light, occupational illnesses, and the ever-present nightmare of the ceiling collapsing upon you is no small thing.

Today’s band, Galibot, hails from a mining town in Northern France and is concerned precisely with the lives of the “small people” who go through that every single day to supply capitalism with a large part of its essential materials. They do so through melodic, somewhat raw black metal sung in French, in the vein of Black Birch or Lepra, that we feel is quite effective at recreating the spirit of those at places such as Soma, Mariana, El Teniente, Courriéres, Marikana and Centralia.

Galibot shows that every leftist needs to discuss the dangers of mining for workers and for the environment, and if we want the leftist metal to be relevant as a movement to change society in any way, we must move towards the working class – for WE are part of it, and we have nothing to lose but our chains!

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