Review: Inherits The Void – ‘Scars Of Yesteryears’ (Full album, 2024) | Atmospheric/melodic BM

Inherits The Void, the French one-man band is back with a new excellent album! You may remember Inherits The Void from the review we did for their 2023 album last year, but let me rewind it for you: a solo band doing a complex melodic black metal, with shades of atmospheric black metal.

This album walks the way of the past album, with uncompromised, never-ending blast beats. But on top of this, you will find a bit more diversity, with some distinctive notes of old school melodeath, or even some doomy parts, taking advantage of some nicely added synths, and some instrumental parts like in the eponym track “Scars of Yesteryears“. If there is something that you cannot say about this album is that it’s bad, or even mid. It is a great album, with a very smart composition, and excellent production that really makes it shine. Forget the old-school recordings, forget your raw BM for once and go for a clean production which doesn’t feel boring.

As we’ve covered them already, and we will be covering it again, you know that this album will bear some important thematics, namely here, the legacy left by the societies, the legacy left through our struggles, our revolutions, and the weight it bears on our planet and environment.

This album is really an excellent addition to your libraries and an excellent successor to The Impeding Fall Of The Stars, and I personally already can’t wait until Antoine‘s next album!