Review: Ivory Primarch – Excruciation (Video clip, 2024) | Doom metal

Today’s premiere is Ivory Primarch, a funeral black doom band from Melbourne.

The first single of their new album The Portrait is “Excruciation“, a 9′ long title, built in 5 different stages, going from regular doom to funeral doom, gaining in intensity at every new stage. The track starts with a keyboard line, quickly joined by the other instruments, and finally, the vocals join in. The whole piece is led by a line on the guitar that comes at the end of the introduction, accompanied by a guttural growl, more reciting story than singing, which we regularly find in funeral doom. If you’re looking for blast beats and fast riffs, you’re in the wrong place as the track stays at 60bpm except for the final part which is a bit faster.

The video in itself is an experiment displaying multiple antique torture methods used on witches and heretics; but also witches from the Japanese culture with always multiple overlays of textures and colours. While it is not as graphic as some other videos we can find in black metal, people should stay cautious if it’s a sensitive topic for them.

This first track announces a very good album, slow-paced, deep, and engaging. If all tracks are this good, this album will stay on my very short list of funeral doom albums that I play on repeat.