Review: Kréen – ‘Ecos de Olas, C​é​firos y Llamaradas’ (Full album, 2024) | Atmospheric black/doom

Three years ago we were amazed by the Punta Arena (Chile) project Kréen, the musicianship shown within its release Cenizas, its political message, and its atmospheric black/doom alloy.

Today, we have before us a brand new album called Ecos de Olas, C​é​firos y Llamaradas, which is not just a thoroughly crafted qualitative piece of musical work, it is also – we quote – “a tribute to the tenacity of the Patagonian spirit. It is a homage to the land and its inhabitants, an affirmation of resistance and hope amidst adversity.

The release comes divided through three acts (Olas, Céfiros, and Llamaradas) where they transform and trespass the doom/black metal barriers, and include Patagonian folklore; as a whole stunning track, “Acto II. Céfiros“, and by adding different elements and instruments in other songs. Keeping, and incorporating, more of that traditional sound on the guitars, that fits like a ring with their funeral – melodic doom fusion, pouring darkness and despair.

The truth is, Ecos de Olas, C​é​firos y Llamaradas is an overwhelmingly passionate piece of art.

Lyrically, it “explores the Chilote immigration, nature, death and mourning, resistance against oppression, and a profound reflection on legacy and memory.” and they have made sure to work out every detail (so many they are impossible to unravel in a short review) to reflect the pain, suffering, and injustice suffered by the Chilote people ever since the Spanish empire colonised, massacred, and enslaved them, forcing an impossible pattern that has repeated itself through their entire history, and has left behind atrocities such as the Selk’nam genocide, and irreparable damage.

In addition to it all, there is another worth mentioning key that makes this creation able to bring you to the point of tears: all the vocal endeavour. Spoken word, black metal shrieks, doom-deep toning, narrations, choruses… Extremely substantial.

A necessary subject to learn and remember about, accompanied by a tough and beautiful musical ride. ¡Fuerza para el pueblo de Chile y su memoria!

⚔️ KRÉEN⚔️