Antifascist Black Metal Network is an extreme musical vessel standing against racism, sexism, LGBTQIA+phobia, ableism or any oppression. Black metal-focused, but open to other genres.
Black Metal has a long and sad history of indulgence towards xenophobic positions. There’s a worrying problem of far-right entryism but in a more general and probably insidious way. It’s a scene where problematic behaviours are being normalized and accepted for the sake of so-called subversion, provocation, nihilism or whatever edgy argument is used to obscure the fact that such attitudes work in favour of maintaining the status quo. There’s no doubt that it has a lot to do with Black Metal’s genesis and history, mainly in the Scandinavian scene, built upon fantasies of male and white European superiority.
However, the tide seems to be turning. We’re not here to cut the roots but to claim back and liberate a powerful and passionate musical style, to express anger towards an oppressive system, and to scream about the need for social change.
An increasingly higher number of bands are taking a stand against every kind of oppression, whether it’s through their lyrics or through extra-musical statements. Listeners are getting more and more sensitive and aware of this problem and do not wish to support problematic bands anymore.
This is what Antifascist Black Metal Network is about. An anti-authoritarian space where no room is allowed for intolerance. A place for musicians standing against racism, sexism, authoritarianism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism or any oppression and who do not wish to make any compromises. Antifascist Black Metal Network is a platform for Black Metal enthusiasts who do not wish to be promoted among sketchy and ambiguous bands at best, at worst openly fascist ones. It’s a resource for people who wish to discover and enjoy new Black Metal without having to double-check its history and positions.