Well, we have finally done it, we here at ABMN have gone off the deep end in bringing you “extreme” or really are stretching the meaning of extreme. We have Leed’s Greet and their first album Harmonium I. This is a dark folk project not too dissimilar to that of one of Chelsea Wolfe’s older […]
Review: Kréen – ‘Ecos de Olas, Céfiros y Llamaradas’ (Full album, 2024) | Atmospheric black/doom
Three years ago we were amazed by the Punta Arena (Chile) project Kréen, the musicianship shown within its release Cenizas, its political message, and its atmospheric black/doom alloy. Today, we have before us a brand new album called Ecos de Olas, Céfiros y Llamaradas, which is not just a thoroughly crafted qualitative piece of musical […]
Review: Inherits The Void – ‘Scars Of Yesteryears’ (Full album, 2024) | Atmospheric/melodic BM
Inherits The Void, the French one-man band is back with a new excellent album! You may remember Inherits The Void from the review we did for their 2023 album last year, but let me rewind it for you: a solo band doing a complex melodic black metal, with shades of atmospheric black metal. This album […]
Review: 1648 – ‘Regicide of the Incorruptible Crown’ (EP, 2024) | Raw black metal
1648 is a one-person project from Liverpool and the year in which the Second Civil War broke out, ruled by the English elite Brittain. The war was, of course, part of a broader process of friction at the levels of government, between the monarchists and the power of Parliament. Add the issue of Catholicism and […]
Review: Cipo Fogo – “Distopia” (single, 2024) | Crossover
Peeking at what is just a small bite to taste their late and sixth full work, we are happy at the Network to share CIPÓ FOGO‘s “Dystopia” single from Born Enslaved, one of a kind breed of heavy riffs within a thrashcore/crossover frame (mainly, but certainly not only). Coming from Brazil and Uruguay, Marcelo Cabral, […]
Review: Dawn Brought Saviour – Wavering (Full album, 2024) | Drone
A year after their debut EP, Dawn Brought Savior presents us with their debut album, like clockwork. And Wavering is not just an album, it’s a journey, in the band’s own words one through longing, empowerment and overcoming trauma. Something to casually listen to for a few minutes this is not, neither is it car […]
Review: Defenestrate – Sobek (Full EP, 2024) | Blackened punk
It’s blackened punk Sunday y’all! And to properly celebrate, we got the last work by one of the (less rare than what many people might think) young four-piece NY band Defenestrate, which presents themselves as students from the Suny Purchase College. They show to be staunchly antifascist so we can only be joyful to see […]
Review: Wretched Blessing – “Anathematic” (Official video, 2024) | Black/death/hardcore
A few weeks ago we introduced you all to a debuting project bringing a high-quality mix of extreme and punk-related genres, the US-based duo Wretched Blessing and its first EP. Well, we have them back today with an official video for the sludge-driven song – extracted from this very release – “Anathematic”! Devised, created and […]
Review: Qlaglaga – Fetidized (Full album, 2024) | Blackend cybergrind
Folks, it’s been a very long time since we’ve had something utterly strange, fucked up and weird, but today this streak ends, thankfully. We are excited to premiere for you today, Qlaglaga, which means nothing, and their new EP, Fetidized. Fetidized is a strange cacophony blend of blackened chiptune goodness. Starting with what feels like […]
Review: The end of… – Wistful Longing and Deranged Emptiness (Full EP, 2024) | DSBM
Hailing from Kelowna in British Columbia and making for a proper eve to a Gloomy Sunday of a kind, there’s today the demo released this year back in April by The End Of… (currently Arsgoetia) and remastered in June, which in a brief duration of 23 mins offered an interesting take on the ‘classic’ sound of […]