Review: Qlaglaga – Fetidized (Full album, 2024) | Blackend cybergrind

Folks, it’s been a very long time since we’ve had something utterly strange, fucked up and weird, but today this streak ends, thankfully. We are excited to premiere for you today, Qlaglaga, which means nothing, and their new EP, Fetidized.

Fetidized is a strange cacophony blend of blackened chiptune goodness. Starting with what feels like an electronic ode to the gods of stoner doom such as Weedeater and Bongzilla, it quickly morphs into something that could possibly be Old Nick to just straight-up noise/ industrial.

Yes, this is a gumbo of music and you know what? It’s fucking awesome and it keeps your attention from song to song making us, the listeners, focused to see all these parts playing out. This really isn’t something you should turn your nose up at either, instead, you should sit with this and give it a chance because before you know it, you’re fucking hooked on it and jamming along.