Review: Rotten Filthy – “The Path of Mercury” (Single, 2025) | Thrash death

Band info

Band: Rotten Filthy

Single: “The Path of Mercury

Released: January 20th, 2025

Genre: thrash metal, death metal

Location: Brazil


For today’s feature, we bring you an intriguing four-minute taste of blackened trash coming from the Brasil-based Rotten Filthy.

In the tradition of so many classical trash metal groups “The Path of Mercury” combines a punky, harsh production with fast-pasted riffs and pumping old-school blast beats. Enough to bring us thriving licks to knock each other out in the pit; the end of the track even offers some technical surprises. All in all there sure is something to await from this solid black piece of music.

Trash metal, especially when mixed with some antifascist lyrics and influences from their black metal genre siblings, should feel like being hit in the face with a brick and this band does a good job of delivering on that expectation!

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