Review: Sudra by Iravu & Mumuksu (Full split album, 2024) | Black metal, doom metal

It is no mistake that here in ABMN we hold Malaysia’s Iravu in very high esteem, both as an artist and as a comrade, so of course we were excited to premiere their new release, and that excitement was doubled when those of us also into the doom side of things heard that this was a collaboration with the monolithic monster that is Mumuksu. Then make that tripled when we found out about the premise of this release.

To quote a part of the statement accompanying this collaboration, “The original inspiration for this album was born out of both artists’ common observation and acknowledgement of the plight of racial injustice experienced by minorities within their home country of Malaysia. This was the starting platform that ignited the conception of ‘Sudra’ – the lowest of the 4 Hindu caste system sub-classes also referred to as the slave class. Upon further introspection and discussion, it became apparent that to defend & highlight the rights of only a single group of persons denotes a hypocrisy that is no better than those responsible for the injustices themselves. Any cause or belief system that only favors a single sub-group of people or community may (intentionally or unintentionally) become a reductive one, forgetting the needs of all while taking into account our collective experiences as humans on this Earth. And such a view can never encompass the totalistic truth of our unity and integration as human beings.

By the way, you should also visit their respective Bandcamp pages and read the rest too, as the whole thing is worth reading, it is both important and eloquent.

Now as for the music part, let’s just say all hopes and expectations will be surpassed. Both bands are at their top form, with Iravu at their darkest (but still beautiful) and Mumuksu creating a haven of dirge that would make Corrupted and Moss tear up with pride.

And then of course to top it off we have the collaborative title track that is simply mesmerising, in a tectonic plate moving below you manner.

Do not ignore this, and help out Food Not Bombs KL in the process (as if anyone needed more incentive). Are we biased? Yes. Yes, we are, but one listens and we guarantee, there is no intelligent person on this planet that would blame us. This is a masterpiece, and for once, in these tormented genres, made by people we are proud to call our own.

⚔️ IRAVU ⚔️