Review: Defenestrate – Sobek (Full EP, 2024) | Blackened punk

It’s blackened punk Sunday y’all! And to properly celebrate, we got the last work by one of the (less rare than what many people might think) young four-piece NY band Defenestrate, which presents themselves as students from the Suny Purchase College. They show to be staunchly antifascist so we can only be joyful to see […]

Review: Xwîn – Xw​î​n Bi Xw​î​nê Tê Ş​û​ş​tin (Full album, 2024) | Black metal

Black metal often claims to be a scene of rebels and angry outcasts, until you realise that a good majority of it is just middle-class Westerners using their art to complain that their ancestors converted to Christianity and deprived them of the opportunity to roleplay as vicious pagan warriors (never mind that 99% of their […]

Review: Unholy Altar – Veil of Death! Shroud of Nite (Full album, Premiere, 2024) | Raw black metal

As weather gets warmer around those of us in the northern hemisphere and colder for those in the southern hemisphere we go searching for music to match these moods. Specifically, music that brings coldness to our ears and hearts whether it be through escaping the heat and treachery of the sun or matching the cold […]

Review: ‘Austerity – Despondency – Longing’ by Botgörelsen / Wrekan / Astral Lore (Full split, 2024) | BM

ABMN has always cherished split and collaborative albums for the many reasons expressed before: collective work, and uniting different genres, cultures, and points of view… And it’s one lazy click into discovering /re-visiting more than one band! Today’s upload brings three different bands within the same raw and straightforward black metal, offering slightly different sonorities. […]

Review: Dysthymia/Saeva (Full split, 2024) | Black metal

On today’s release, we listen to this often-intriguing pairing of depressive and atmospheric black metal. Starting with three tracks of Denver’s Saeva we are presented with mostly dry and hard-produced mid to high-tempo drums forming an effective rhythmic base on which the project sets a well-known sound of strongly distorted guitars and pulsating bass in […]

Review: Crevasse – Orphans (Full EP, 2024) | Black metal

We are certainly delighted to share here today something that will probably make many of you feel pretty old (in a good way), with the first EP from the Los Angeles-based band Crevasse. Its only member, Noah Hawkins, ensures with this latest work under this artistic name (being active for 2 years now with three […]