Review: Demon Sluice – Demo MMXXIV (Full demo, 2024) | Black metal, death metal

Today it feels like we have a treat for those of you who enjoy the more death metal-influenced side of black metal that we tend to get. And by treat and death metal we mean, this shit is so fucking on the nose for bestial black metal that it’s shocking that it isn’t a tag […]

Review: Through Mists – Prolific (Full EP, 2024) | Blackened death

Today’s album is Through Mist last release: ‘Prolific‘. Which, in their own words, bring a new breeze to their discography. Counting 4 songs for 27’28”, this album could be defined as an experimental blackened death metal album, which builds up intensity from the first and shortest track “The Ride” to the last and longest track “Prolific“, […]

Review: Purgatorial – “Doomed To Repeat” (Single PREMIERE, 2024) | Blackened death metal

Again we are premiering a new song by Purgatorial, just what the doctor ordered to keep us on the hook until we wait for an album to come, you fucking tease! We jest, of course, take your time, as long as the album keeps the quality of this song you’ll have no complaints from us, […]