Review: Cipo Fogo – “Distopia” (single, 2024) | Crossover

Peeking at what is just a small bite to taste their late and sixth full work, we are happy at the Network to share CIPÓ FOGO‘s “Dystopia” single from Born Enslaved, one of a kind breed of heavy riffs within a thrashcore/crossover frame (mainly, but certainly not only). Coming from Brazil and Uruguay, Marcelo Cabral, […]

Review: Fatal Torture – Savage Depths of Hell (Full album, 2023) | Thrash metal, death metal

Pssst over here, do you guys wanna buy some speed cos today we got just enough to keep you wanting more! Coming in from Ireland we have Fatal Torture and their EP, Savage Depths of Hell. This is some blistering speeding death metal fiery fury that it’s over just as soon as it begins. To be […]