Review: Qlaglaga – Fetidized (Full album, 2024) | Blackend cybergrind

Folks, it’s been a very long time since we’ve had something utterly strange, fucked up and weird, but today this streak ends, thankfully. We are excited to premiere for you today, Qlaglaga, which means nothing, and their new EP, Fetidized. Fetidized is a strange cacophony blend of blackened chiptune goodness. Starting with what feels like […]

Review: Astral Lore – Astral Lore (Full album, 2024) | Black metal

3 songs, 50 minutes, on a full album, is maybe all you need to know about Astral Lore‘s new self-titled release. You can expect it from here, we publish black metal, it’s very long songs, hence it’s an excellent atmospheric black metal album. While it’s their first full-length album, Astral Lore already has some solid […]

Review: Hexen House – Retributiones Maleficarum Mallei (Full album, 2024) | Black metal, death metal

Seeing Hexen House‘s photo which includes corpsepaint, candelabras, iron vambraces and so on you might be tempted to think it’s another band with a very traditional take on black metal and politics, but quickly you are confronted with messages that convey “total fucking war on impotent fascist scum” and “torch the values of western civilization“. […]

Review: Desert Heretic – Infernalis (Full album, 2024) | Black metal

Desert Heretic has returned! We had the honour of releasing this project’s first EP in early 2022. Now they are back with their first full-length, Infernalis“, with even more of what we loved in their first release – that is, very violent and serious black metal with a lot of melodies, traces of thrash metal […]

Review: Vanessa Funke – Void (Full album, 2024) | Progressive, rock/metal

We are proud to present to you today the last album in a long list of works well done by the prolific German mostly-solo multi-instrumentalist, Vanessa Funke. Since its inception, her solo project quickly started to shape into a melancholic effective mix of styles where you could see her development crystal clear, even in collabs […]

Review: Ragum – ‘Beyouv’ (Full album, 2024) | Grindcore

Ah, grindcore! It’s always refreshing to have a barrage of short songs and barked vocals after some of our more usual long-form black metal menus. Today’s piece, however, is even more welcome than usual, for Ragum, our guests for this “beautiful” Monday, are a band from the city of Haifa in occupied Palestine/”Israel”, and outright […]

Review: Human Abyss – Death Obsessed (Full album, 2024) | Blackened death

Today we have a lot to cut through with the most recent addition to the channel: Berlin-based Human Abyss, and its newest album Death Obsessed. Although this quintet only goes back to 2020, it is almost entirely formed by experienced musicians who have played in bands like Spawn (death metal) or currently active No On […]

Review: Demon Sluice – Demo MMXXIV (Full demo, 2024) | Black metal, death metal

Today it feels like we have a treat for those of you who enjoy the more death metal-influenced side of black metal that we tend to get. And by treat and death metal we mean, this shit is so fucking on the nose for bestial black metal that it’s shocking that it isn’t a tag […]

Review: Through Mists – Prolific (Full EP, 2024) | Blackened death

Today’s album is Through Mist last release: ‘Prolific‘. Which, in their own words, bring a new breeze to their discography. Counting 4 songs for 27’28”, this album could be defined as an experimental blackened death metal album, which builds up intensity from the first and shortest track “The Ride” to the last and longest track “Prolific“, […]

Review: Purgatorial – “Doomed To Repeat” (Single PREMIERE, 2024) | Blackened death metal

Again we are premiering a new song by Purgatorial, just what the doctor ordered to keep us on the hook until we wait for an album to come, you fucking tease! We jest, of course, take your time, as long as the album keeps the quality of this song you’ll have no complaints from us, […]