Review: DŹONSLOVS – Asgrauw (Demo, 2025) | Atmospheric black metal

Band info Band: DŹONSLOVS Album: Asgrauw  Released: January 5th, 2025 Genre: atmospheric black metal, DSBM Location:  UK Review DŹONSLOVS is an antifascist black metal band from London that produces atmospheric, minimalistic, and depressive post-black metal. In January 2025, they released their second album, Asgrauw, which features five tracks in German, dealing with themes of resistance, […]

Review: Le Desespoir – Ville (Full album, 2024) | Atmospheric black metal

Band info Band: Le Desespoir Album: ‘Ville‘ Released: November 4th, 2024 Genre: atmospheric black metal Location: France Review Hello, dear listeners and dearest haters that still stalk our socials, and welcome to another edition of ABMN’s Gloomy Sunday (just made this up, don’t worry there’s no such thing (unless asked for))! Back to the usual […]

Review: The Blood Mountain Black Metal Choir – Demo I – “Folklore” (Demo, 2025) | Black metal

Band info Band: The Blood Mountain Black Meal Choir Album: ‘Demo I – “Folklore”‘. Released: January 8, 2025. Genre: black metal Location: US Review The Blood Mountain Black Meal Choir is a one-man band from Appalachia which presents us their first demo, with 5 exceptional tracks. As the band states, “[Appalachia] has a long and […]

Review: Förfallet – VE (Full album, 2024) | Post-black, DSBM

From Stockholm, we bring today a bit of sharp and cold tunes to alleviate this still-starting week. Förfallet (“-the- decay”), a post-black ensemble that presented their self-titled, self-released debut back in 2020, offers us some company with their latest work to date, named Ve, that will soon see a vinyl release and given the craftmanship […]

Review: The end of… – Wistful Longing and Deranged Emptiness (Full EP, 2024) | DSBM

Hailing from Kelowna in British Columbia and making for a proper eve to a Gloomy Sunday of a kind, there’s today the demo released this year back in April by The End Of… (currently Arsgoetia) and remastered in June, which in a brief duration of 23 mins offered an interesting take on the ‘classic’ sound of […]

Review: Reva – Urban Madrigals (Full album Premiere, 2024) | DSBM, post-black

Releasing tomorrow, we’re excited to premiere Reva‘s second album, Urban Madrigals. Somewhat reminiscent of Bonjour Tristesse‘s Your Ultimate Urban Nightmare with its cover, Reva explores the “impact of modern society and its relentless pace on our lives“, delving into the duality of the social isolation we all feel and constant connectivity via the Internet. Combining […]

Review: Fatal – Unburned (Full album, 2024) | Black metal, DSBM

Missing a bit of angst and bitterness this Sunday? Worry not, we got you covered. From doomy passages to frantic blast beats, Unburned can be your companion today offering a prime expression of fiery rage with an excellent addition of melancholy, hopelessness and sharply well-written lyrics against the duality of religion and its rule, alongside […]

Review: Dysthymia/Saeva (Full split, 2024) | Black metal

On today’s release, we listen to this often-intriguing pairing of depressive and atmospheric black metal. Starting with three tracks of Denver’s Saeva we are presented with mostly dry and hard-produced mid to high-tempo drums forming an effective rhythmic base on which the project sets a well-known sound of strongly distorted guitars and pulsating bass in […]