Review: Qlaglaga – Fetidized (Full album, 2024) | Blackend cybergrind

Folks, it’s been a very long time since we’ve had something utterly strange, fucked up and weird, but today this streak ends, thankfully. We are excited to premiere for you today, Qlaglaga, which means nothing, and their new EP, Fetidized. Fetidized is a strange cacophony blend of blackened chiptune goodness. Starting with what feels like […]

Jute Gyte – Krun Macula’ (Full album, 2023) | Ambient

So, when you have a band known for their unique take on black metal like Jute Gyte, with their legendary microtonal progressive output, why would you choose their rare ambient release to feature? Well, why not, after all their black metal releases are already acknowledged as genre classics, plus, it’s named after an equatorial dark […]

Review: Mycorrhizal – Blessed Be the Match (Full album, 2024) | Experimental

Today is a day of resistance and struggle for the Antifascist Black Metal Network. Well, every day is one in truth, really, but today has the special symbolism of being March 8th, the International Day of the Struggle of Women Workers, a day that celebrates the February Russian Revolution of 1917 where women-led textile strike […]