Review: Cipo Fogo – “Distopia” (single, 2024) | Crossover

Peeking at what is just a small bite to taste their late and sixth full work, we are happy at the Network to share CIPÓ FOGO‘s “Dystopia” single from Born Enslaved, one of a kind breed of heavy riffs within a thrashcore/crossover frame (mainly, but certainly not only). Coming from Brazil and Uruguay, Marcelo Cabral, […]

Review: Defenestrate – Sobek (Full EP, 2024) | Blackened punk

It’s blackened punk Sunday y’all! And to properly celebrate, we got the last work by one of the (less rare than what many people might think) young four-piece NY band Defenestrate, which presents themselves as students from the Suny Purchase College. They show to be staunchly antifascist so we can only be joyful to see […]

Review: Wretched Blessing – “Anathematic” (Official video, 2024) | Black/death/hardcore

A few weeks ago we introduced you all to a debuting project bringing a high-quality mix of extreme and punk-related genres, the US-based duo Wretched Blessing and its first EP. Well, we have them back today with an official video for the sludge-driven song – extracted from this very release – “Anathematic”! Devised, created and […]

Review: Ragum – ‘Beyouv’ (Full album, 2024) | Grindcore

Ah, grindcore! It’s always refreshing to have a barrage of short songs and barked vocals after some of our more usual long-form black metal menus. Today’s piece, however, is even more welcome than usual, for Ragum, our guests for this “beautiful” Monday, are a band from the city of Haifa in occupied Palestine/”Israel”, and outright […]