Band info Band: Siberian Album: ‘Deadly Sins‘ Released: January 14th, 2025 Genre: black metal Location: Italy Review There’s a very specific type of black metal that is not precisely atmoblack, yet manages to create an immersive soundscape; it’s not raw black metal, but it manages to go straight to the throat in its speed and […]
Tag: Post black metal
Review: Black Market Fossil – Pathways To The Occult (EP, 2024) | Black metal, doom
Band info Band: Black Market Fossil Album: ‘Pathways To The Occult‘ Released: October 31st, 2024. Genre: black metal, doom Location: Canada Review Black Market Fossil of Canada has brought us a very unique twist to the blackened doom genre. Combining the rawness of black metal with the classic sounds of late 80s/ early 90s doom. […]
Mirthless – “Scorn” (Single, 2024) | Blackgaze Band info Band: Mirthless Single: “Scorn” Released: December 21st, 2024. Genre: blackgaze Location: Malaysia Review Another voice of antifascism from a place where every voice will count! Mirthless, a 5 piece blackgaze band from Malaysia, have just put out their debut single “Scorn“. We have had a few uploads from this part of the world […]
Review: Darkat Yuuyamihn – ‘eu sou a vitima e o carrasco’ (Full album, 2024) | Post-black metal
Band info Band: Darkat Yuuyamihn Album: eu sou a vitima e o carrasco Released: December 23rd, 2024 Genre: post-black metal Location: Brazil Review You know the age-old saying “come to Brazil”? Well, today we bring Brazil to your ears! We are happy to have Darkat Yuuyamihn and their brand new album ‘Eu sou a vitima e […]
Review: Burnt Lodge – Intergenerational Anamnesis (Full album, 2024) | Black metal Band info Band: Burnt Lodge Album: ‘Intergenerational Anamnesis‘ Released: November 2nd, 2024 Genre: melodic black metal Location: US Review If there are two things to remember from ‘Intergenerational Anamnesis‘, it is how good the music is, and how magnificent the cover art is. Burnt Lodge is a one-man band from Portland, OR, and created […]
Review: Pâenil Era – Idle Cage (Full album, 2024) | Atmospheric/post-black metal
Band info Band: Pâenil Era Album: Idle Cage Released: Released September 19, 2024 Genre: atmospheric, post-black metal Location: Romania Review Pâenil Era is a new post-black metal one-man band from Romania that introduced itself last year with its very impressive debut album ‘Deviere‘, showing an already advanced mix of atmospheric black metal with post-metal and […]
Review: Dawn Treader – Bloom & Decay (Full album, 2024) | Blackgaze
Band info Band: Dawn Treader Album: Bloom & Decay Released: released August 23rd, 2024 Genre: blackgaze Location: UK Review Like a soothing mist, it comes from the alleys of London today to paint an image in our minds of what is probably one of the closing and more interesting releases of the year so far […]
Review: Mourn The Stars – Saudade… (Full album, 2024) | Melodic black metal
In Portuguese, saudade represents an emotional feeling mixing melancholy, nostalgia and hope. It’s the feeling of a strong longing for something or someone that is loved but also absent. By this title, the US-based band Mourn The Stars gives a taste of their first album Saudade…. If you’ve been following for some time now, you […]
Review: Förfallet – VE (Full album, 2024) | Post-black, DSBM
From Stockholm, we bring today a bit of sharp and cold tunes to alleviate this still-starting week. Förfallet (“-the- decay”), a post-black ensemble that presented their self-titled, self-released debut back in 2020, offers us some company with their latest work to date, named Ve, that will soon see a vinyl release and given the craftmanship […]
Her Eyes Haunt Me – “As your eyes close over” (Single, 2024) | Blackgaze
Today, we present to you a fantastic new single debut from Australia. A one-person project, Her Eyes Haunt Me, that plays post-black metal with a very. however. blackgaze flavour, and brings the song As Your Eyes Close Over. The track is not particularly long, but it really provides a lot of thrills. It’s very atmospheric, […]