Review: Aurora Ortus – Drought (Official vídeo, 2024) | Post-black metal

It has been almost two years since we were introduced to Aurora Ortus through their 2022 album Ostrara, showcasing an obscure and heartfelt post-black metal, altered with doom and blackgaze inspired. Today, we are happy to have them back with the premiere of a brand new song in the form of an official video, “Drought“, the first single of an […]

Review: Without the Sky – Reflections (EP, 2024) | Black metal, post-black

As the seasons change and slowly start to drift into autumn for those in the northern hemisphere, we bring to you our upload of the day: Without the Sky‘s latest EP, Reflections. A mixture of DSBM and post-black metal with a slower, more doomy feel towards the end, this release is a solid (albeit short) […]

Review: Atlantic – Black Sands (Full album, 2024) | Atmospheric/post-black metal

As the waves that cyclically recede into the sea and come crashing unto the shore, Atlantic has returned to our channel almost two years since its first outing, bringing in more amazing musicianship, more torrential blast beats, more riffing crescendos growing evermore towards the horizon, and an even wider soundscape than before! Black Sands, their […]

Review: Reva – Urban Madrigals (Full album Premiere, 2024) | DSBM, post-black

Releasing tomorrow, we’re excited to premiere Reva‘s second album, Urban Madrigals. Somewhat reminiscent of Bonjour Tristesse‘s Your Ultimate Urban Nightmare with its cover, Reva explores the “impact of modern society and its relentless pace on our lives“, delving into the duality of the social isolation we all feel and constant connectivity via the Internet. Combining […]

Review: Telltales and Rituals by Chained Arcana & Knights of Rain (split, 2024) | Black metal

Right now, rain is a terrifying idea for the inhabitants of Brazil. Rio Grande do Sul, the southernmost Brazilian state, has been ravaged by storms and floods that have lasted for weeks and literally destroyed a large part of it, leaving hundreds dead and hundreds of thousands homeless, in the worst catastrophe in the history […]

Review: Mordran – The Midnight Woods (Full album premiere, 2024) | Black metal

Releasing on March 29 after a full-length and two EPs last year, the Swedish one-man project Mordran returns with another piece we have the pleasure to premiere today. With a cold and raw ambience fitting for the season it was conceived in, The Midnight Woods promises us to be the embrace for a long night to […]

Review: Sun Of Nothing – Maze (Full album, 2024) | Post-black metal, sludge

Sun Of Nothing are not just another band, they are a phenomenon. They were the linchpin that turned the tide of the Greek heavy music scene in an era it was entrenched in traditionalism and finally dragged it into an era where “sludge”, “hardcore” and “experimental” were not dirty words to be ashamed of. And […]