Review: Imagine A Boot – Imagine A Boot (EP, 2024) | Raw black metal

“Imagine A Boot“? Well… let us picture it then. Leather, or some other heavy material, in the format of a foot, with a foot inside. A boot, right? Seems simple enough. But let us go the extra mile and finish the quote from which today’s featured artist, a lone anonymous Dutch partisan, clearly took this […]

Review: Psychic Hood – Warp Ritual (Full album, 2024) | Dungeon synth

Today we’re excited to bring you a wonderful dungeon synth project, Psychic Hood, and their brand new album, Warp Ritual! Surface level this appears to be anything but dungeon synth considering most of the tropes popular dungeon synth groups do. However, the moment the play is pressed Psychic Hood takes you there and you’re immediately […]

Review: Defenestrate – Sobek (Full EP, 2024) | Blackened punk

It’s blackened punk Sunday y’all! And to properly celebrate, we got the last work by one of the (less rare than what many people might think) young four-piece NY band Defenestrate, which presents themselves as students from the Suny Purchase College. They show to be staunchly antifascist so we can only be joyful to see […]

Review: Xwîn – Xw​î​n Bi Xw​î​nê Tê Ş​û​ş​tin (Full album, 2024) | Black metal

Black metal often claims to be a scene of rebels and angry outcasts, until you realise that a good majority of it is just middle-class Westerners using their art to complain that their ancestors converted to Christianity and deprived them of the opportunity to roleplay as vicious pagan warriors (never mind that 99% of their […]

Review: ‘Yeast Veils’ by Mycorrhizal / Stygian (Full split, 2024) | Experimental BM, sludge

A few days ago, the D.I.Y label Liminal Dread Production came out with the awesome split that we are presenting to you today. The release we are talking about is Yeast Veils, which consists of two projects – Mycorrhizal and Stygian. These are both original projects, so naturally their combined album is one of those […]

Review: ‘Austerity – Despondency – Longing’ by Botgörelsen / Wrekan / Astral Lore (Full split, 2024) | BM

ABMN has always cherished split and collaborative albums for the many reasons expressed before: collective work, and uniting different genres, cultures, and points of view… And it’s one lazy click into discovering /re-visiting more than one band! Today’s upload brings three different bands within the same raw and straightforward black metal, offering slightly different sonorities. […]

Review: TerraMorta – Intifada (Full album, 2024) | Grindcore

Intifada is a grindcore album with a black metal twist. Released a few weeks ago by the newly created band Terra Morta, this album is a very short but intense album, as you could expect from a grindcore band. Mixing crust punk, grindcore and some black metal rhythms, this album will match your needs of […]

Review: Through Mists – Prolific (Full EP, 2024) | Blackened death

Today’s album is Through Mist last release: ‘Prolific‘. Which, in their own words, bring a new breeze to their discography. Counting 4 songs for 27’28”, this album could be defined as an experimental blackened death metal album, which builds up intensity from the first and shortest track “The Ride” to the last and longest track “Prolific“, […]

Review: ‘Stigmergy’ by There Is No Light Here & Tachanka (Full split, 2024) | Raw black metal

With a hammering tone of angst and wrath in a 4-track split, two of the most promising emerging projects in the antifascist scenes around the world join forces in a conceptual work bringing us Stigmergy, a blend of styles and topics from the two sides involved highlighting a convergence into a socio-political dive to a […]

Review: Venus 426 – Causeways Into the Night (Full album, 2024) | Noise

We wander again to a different frame of sound from the usual today presenting the premiere for VENUS – 426’s last effort named Causeways into the Night. Packed into a 12-track body of work, the queer antifascist harsh noise powerhouse shows an immense evolution and develops into a concrete and more conceptual and thick atmosphere […]