Band info Band: Rampancy Album: Where the Sun of the Future Rises Released: November 1st, 2024. Genre: epic, melodic black metal Location: London, Canada. Review Three years ago, ABMN was introduced to Rampancy, a solo Canadian project hosted by Oculus Tod, a musician with one of the longest “See also” lists of bands in the whole […]
Review: Na Zarot – “Waste” (Single, 2024) | Raw black metal
Band info Band: Na Zarot Song: “Waste” Released: September 10th, 2024 Genre: raw black metal Location: Germany Review If you’re in for a (literally sadly) fast and intense experience today, stay for this brief time with us then as we introduce you not for the first time to Na Zarot, a promising and blooming raw […]
Review: Illmara – Blodlust (Full album, 2024) | Black metal
Band info Band: Illmara Album: Blodlust Released: October 30th, 2024. Genre: black metal. Location: Sweden. Review Hope you missed the Swedish scene a normal amount (as much as we do) because the fire’s up again and is coming as red as blood by the hands of Illmara, a four-piece project from Gothenburg delivering a harsh […]
Review: Clones Of Sirius – ‘Grandeur’ (EP, 2024) | Black metal, death metal
Band info Band: Clones Of Sirius Album: Grandeur Released: October 22nd, 2024. Genre: black metal, death metal. Location: United Kingdom Review After their very exciting EP debut last year, Clones of Sirius is back again with another EP, Grandeur. This time around, though, Clones of Sirius really lean hard into blackened death over blackened thrash compared […]
Review: The Shade of Crow – Capítulo II: Oceano (EP, 2024) | Black metal
Band info Band: Shade Of Crow Album: Capítulo II: Oceano Released: September 20th, 2024 Genre: black metal Location: Brazil Review Has anyone else noticed how many different variations of black metal exist? You got your black/- hybrids, your blackened’s, your various adjectives like “raw” or “depressive” or “bestial” or add-ons like post- or -gaze. Isn’t […]
Review: Imagine A Boot – Imagine A Boot (EP, 2024) | Raw black metal
“Imagine A Boot“? Well… let us picture it then. Leather, or some other heavy material, in the format of a foot, with a foot inside. A boot, right? Seems simple enough. But let us go the extra mile and finish the quote from which today’s featured artist, a lone anonymous Dutch partisan, clearly took this […]
Review: Psychic Hood – Warp Ritual (Full album, 2024) | Dungeon synth
Today we’re excited to bring you a wonderful dungeon synth project, Psychic Hood, and their brand new album, Warp Ritual! Surface level this appears to be anything but dungeon synth considering most of the tropes popular dungeon synth groups do. However, the moment the play is pressed Psychic Hood takes you there and you’re immediately […]
Review: Defenestrate – Sobek (Full EP, 2024) | Blackened punk
It’s blackened punk Sunday y’all! And to properly celebrate, we got the last work by one of the (less rare than what many people might think) young four-piece NY band Defenestrate, which presents themselves as students from the Suny Purchase College. They show to be staunchly antifascist so we can only be joyful to see […]
Review: Xwîn – Xwîn Bi Xwînê Tê Şûştin (Full album, 2024) | Black metal
Black metal often claims to be a scene of rebels and angry outcasts, until you realise that a good majority of it is just middle-class Westerners using their art to complain that their ancestors converted to Christianity and deprived them of the opportunity to roleplay as vicious pagan warriors (never mind that 99% of their […]
Review: ‘Yeast Veils’ by Mycorrhizal / Stygian (Full split, 2024) | Experimental BM, sludge
A few days ago, the D.I.Y label Liminal Dread Production came out with the awesome split that we are presenting to you today. The release we are talking about is Yeast Veils, which consists of two projects – Mycorrhizal and Stygian. These are both original projects, so naturally their combined album is one of those […]