Today’s premiere is Ivory Primarch, a funeral black doom band from Melbourne. The first single of their new album The Portrait is “Excruciation“, a 9′ long title, built in 5 different stages, going from regular doom to funeral doom, gaining in intensity at every new stage. The track starts with a keyboard line, quickly joined by […]
Tag: Sludge
Review: Witchden – “Renewal” & “Ash of the ancients” (Official videos, 2024) | Black metal
Today we bring not one but two official video clips to introduce you all to Witchden! They are a US-based quintet that has recently released their fourth full-length: Tomes of Madness Volume 1. As a brief example of what you will find on TOMVI‘ we have the song “Renewal”, starting off with very danceable black and […]
Review: Eyes Of Simurgh – Legendas Ruraus (Full album, 2024) | Sludge, stoner
Although ABMN has already been around for three years where we have received tons of submissions, and done a lot of research to find RABM/antifascist-related bands within black metal and outside of it, we keep discovering more and more bands that aren’t new and have already been around for a while. Some have been speaking […]
Review: Cinerea – Cinerea (Full EP, 2023) | Atmospheric post-sludge
Today we bring a Berlin-based quartet making á la Belgique/’USesque’ atmospheric post-sludge with lyrics and titles in Portuguese, Italian, and English. Oh, and they are called Cinerea. The quartet presented its debut EP at the end of 2023, and there is so much thought and effort put into it we could be making an essay […]
Review: Sun Of Nothing – Maze (Full album, 2024) | Post-black metal, sludge
Sun Of Nothing are not just another band, they are a phenomenon. They were the linchpin that turned the tide of the Greek heavy music scene in an era it was entrenched in traditionalism and finally dragged it into an era where “sludge”, “hardcore” and “experimental” were not dirty words to be ashamed of. And […]