Review: Psychic Hood – Warp Ritual (Full album, 2024) | Dungeon synth

Today we’re excited to bring you a wonderful dungeon synth project, Psychic Hood, and their brand new album, Warp Ritual! Surface level this appears to be anything but dungeon synth considering most of the tropes popular dungeon synth groups do. However, the moment the play is pressed Psychic Hood takes you there and you’re immediately […]

Review: VENUS-426 – Destruction is Your Religion (EP, 2024) | Noise

Whew, that was fast. And Loud. Our frequent guest Venus 426 decided to kick things up a notch for this release, or maybe sideways, by putting her usual atmospheric soundtrack-y noise on hold in favour of some furious grind noise. There is no better feeling for us here in the ABMN secret volcano base than […]

Review: Goblin Soap – Goblin Offensive (Full album, 2024) | Blackened punk

At times, there are bands which present you with such a complex mix of genres that you don’t really know what to expect. Goblin Soap is one of them! A mix of blackened hardcore, d-beat, and synth coming straight from a dungeon synth album, distorted screams, what do you say? With three instrumental tracks, synths for […]

Review: Without the Sky – Reflections (EP, 2024) | Black metal, post-black

As the seasons change and slowly start to drift into autumn for those in the northern hemisphere, we bring to you our upload of the day: Without the Sky‘s latest EP, Reflections. A mixture of DSBM and post-black metal with a slower, more doomy feel towards the end, this release is a solid (albeit short) […]

Review: Defenestrate – Sobek (Full EP, 2024) | Blackened punk

It’s blackened punk Sunday y’all! And to properly celebrate, we got the last work by one of the (less rare than what many people might think) young four-piece NY band Defenestrate, which presents themselves as students from the Suny Purchase College. They show to be staunchly antifascist so we can only be joyful to see […]

Review: Hexen House – Retributiones Maleficarum Mallei (Full album, 2024) | Black metal, death metal

Seeing Hexen House‘s photo which includes corpsepaint, candelabras, iron vambraces and so on you might be tempted to think it’s another band with a very traditional take on black metal and politics, but quickly you are confronted with messages that convey “total fucking war on impotent fascist scum” and “torch the values of western civilization“. […]

Review: Lammoth – Tales of Treachery (Full album, 2024) | Medieval black metal

We don’t know about you, but “WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH” was the first thought some of us at ABMN had when we received the submission for today’s band, North Carolina’s Lammoth, which, in their own words, play “hobbit black metal”; after all, incorrigible nerds that we are, we have known that Lammoth is a region of Tolkien’s Middle-Earth […]

Review: Asiratic Lithomancy – From Either End the Welkin Burns (Demo, 2024) | Raw black metal

Today we are bringing you a raw coldness to either your winter or summer depending on where you are in the world. We have the incredibly raw black metal project of Asiratic Lithomancy and their album, From Either End the Welkin Burns. This is definitely for the enjoyers of all things raw black metal that’s […]

Review: Sunrot – The Unfailing Rope (Full album, 2023) | Sludge, post-metal

It’s ironic that we are featuring a band called Sunrot today, as most of us, at least those in the northern hemisphere, are in between heatwaves that make us feel like rotting inside, and it’s fitting that the band sounds like hot sand stripping your skin. Loud and abrasive sludge in the camp of Thou and […]

Review: ‘Austerity – Despondency – Longing’ by Botgörelsen / Wrekan / Astral Lore (Full split, 2024) | BM

ABMN has always cherished split and collaborative albums for the many reasons expressed before: collective work, and uniting different genres, cultures, and points of view… And it’s one lazy click into discovering /re-visiting more than one band! Today’s upload brings three different bands within the same raw and straightforward black metal, offering slightly different sonorities. […]