Review: Telltales and Rituals by Chained Arcana & Knights of Rain (split, 2024) | Black metal

Right now, rain is a terrifying idea for the inhabitants of Brazil. Rio Grande do Sul, the southernmost Brazilian state, has been ravaged by storms and floods that have lasted for weeks and literally destroyed a large part of it, leaving hundreds dead and hundreds of thousands homeless, in the worst catastrophe in the history of the country. And while the working class and the oppressed are organizing mutual aid and fighting the big companies who want to turn the reconstruction into profits for the same capitalists who have brought the world to the brink of climate collapse, we at ABMN have a premiere that by coincidence is only fitting: Telltales and Rituals, the joint work of Knights of Rain, from Germany, and Chained Arcana, from the USA!

While both are one-person projects producing experimental atmospheric black metal, each of them weaves different elements in their fury – Chained Arcana has a lot of the Cascadian BM stuff that would be expected from that region, while Knights of Rain mixes in lots of post- and -gaze for a somewhat more, shall we say, “romantic” sound. These are long-ish songs full of melody and raw fury, with “goblin voices” and aggressive riffs just next to mellow synths and ambient sounds, in ways that our listeners are probably already somewhat familiar with since these two have already been featured in our channel, but with new things thrown in.

The “fitting” part is not only in the coincidence of a band called “Knights of Rain” being again on the Network at this time, but also in how both bands incorporate nature as a very important theme in their imagery and, we presume, their ideological stances. What is happening in Brazil is an environmental catastrophe of a magnitude similar to, say, the Canada forest fires of 2023 or the Katrina hurricane… and like both of those, it demonstrates that capitalism will kill the entire Earth if it is profitable, taking all of us along.

Knights of Rain and Chained Arcana have aligned themselves to the side of those who want to kill this system before it destroys life in its suicidal ritual, as have we on the Network, and as every leftist worldwide also should. Let us all together destroy what destroys us!